Donate to a Fundraiser or Event
Create your own successful fundraiser, or search for a fundraiser to support here.
We encourage PKDFOC supporters to put a personized spin on fundraising, to support programs of critical PKD research, education and advocacy. Every dollar raised brings us closer to our ultimate goal – to #ENDPKD! For tips to run a successful campaign, visit our DIY toolbox!
Check out these past successful fundraisers!
Ann's Birthday Fundraiser- $1000 Raised
Ann raised awareness and funds in celebration on BeADonor Month and her birthday in April! This year for your birthday, help change the lives of 66,000 Canadians by asking your friends and family to donate to the PKD Foundation of Canada in lieu of gifts! This is a great way to give back to the PKD community on your special day.
Create your own fundraiser here!
Jodi's Epicure Fundraiser- $500 Raised
Mother-daughter team, Debbie Bellemare and Jodi Evans have been selling Epicure products with proceeds going towards the PKD Foundation of Canada, as part of our #DIY2ENDPKD campaign! So far, the pair have raised $500!
Join in the fight to #endPKD by creating your own fundraiser!