April 2024 issue | PKD e-News
Welcome to the April e-News from the PKD Foundation of Canada! This month we have information on organ donation awareness; gut health and PKD; a touching living kidney donation story; and more!
Be a Donor
April is #BeADonorMonth, April 7 was #GreenShirtDay, and April 21-27 is National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week (#NOTDAW).
Register as an organ donor, and tell your family about your wishes. Be inspired.
Consider becoming a living organ donor, or spread the word about the need for living organ donations.
Voices of PKD
PKD Warrior Mary Banman couldn't find a living kidney donor until she and her niece Amanda Armstrong participated in the Kidney Paired Donation Program.
Read the heartwarming story of how Mary found out she was going to receive a new kidney.
Kidney Paired Donation
Curious about how the Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) Program works? Watch our recent webinar with Canadian Blood Services and two PKD patients who have been in the KPD program.
Gut Health & PKD
What is the “gut-kidney axis,” and why is it important with PKD? In this month’s nutrition blog, registered dietitian Emily Campbell reviews what the “gut-kidney axis” is, and foods to include in your diet with PKD.
PKD Cookbook
Have you checked out the new PKD Cookbook, Love Your Kidneys?
It's a FREE 18-page booklet written especially for the PKD community by registered dieticians Emily Campbell and Roxanne Papineau.
Webinars on YouTube
Emily and Roxanne presented webinars on the topic of nutrition and PKD last month. Both videos are now available to view on our YouTube channel.
Volunteer Week
We love our volunteers. They're absolutely essential in our mission to promote programs of research, advocacy, education, support and awareness in order to discover treatments and a cure for polycystic kidney disease and improve the lives of all it affects.
During #NationalVolunteerWeek - and every week of the year - we give thanks for all the many ways that our volunteers make a difference.
Learn how you can join us, here.
Start a Fundraiser!
Discover the power of giving back! Unleash your creativity and passion by putting your personalized spin on fundraising for the PKD Foundation of Canada. Whether it's donating your birthday or organizing a yard sale, every effort counts. Join us in making a difference.