

Emily_Campbell_(1).pngKidney Nutrition is PKD-curated nutrition content including blogs and recipes by renal dietitian, Emily Campbell.

A bit about Emily: she is a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator with a master’s degree in foods and nutrition from Western University. Emily specializes in renal nutrition, helping those with kidney disease overcome the confusing world of nutrition to promote health and make nutrition changes. Emily lives in Toronto, Ontario and can be found at kidneynutrition.ca.

Got questions for the dietitian? Stay tuned for opportunities to ask the dietitian question in an upcoming newsletter.

For some introductory information about dietary recommendations for PKD patients, see these resources.

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Different Diets for PKD

Happy New Year! For many, this is a time for setting goals, and making diet changes might be on your list. If you're living with PKD, nutrition is something you can control to support your kidney health. This month, Emily Campbell, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator, explores different diet options for PKD, and shares a recipe for Quinoa and Chickpea Greek Salad in a Jar to help with meal planning.