With the tips provided below, you can plan your own successful fundraiser to make your support go further in the fight to #endPKD.
Where to Start
So you've decided you want to do a DIY fundraiser in support of the PKD community! Not sure where to start? Begin by choosing what kind of fundraiser you want to do. It's helpful to reflect on your hobbies and branch out from there! Do you love baking? A bake sale would be a great idea! You play guitar? Think about hosting a zoom concert!
- bake sale
- zoom cooking class
- virtual game night / trivia
- walkathon / run / step counting / yogathon / biking
- competitions - eating / racing / cooking / baking
- yard sale
- book sale
- selling crafts - children's crafts / knitting / crochet etc.
- concert
Get Inspired
Would you like to read some fundraising success stories by other PKD Foundation of Canada supporters? Check out the following fundraisers!
- Learn how Team "A Family Affair" held the garage sale to end all garage sales! They were able to leverage local media coverage to raise more than $8,000!
- Or read how one member of this team sold dog-related items to help their team raise more than $22,000!
Planning for Success
- You can register your fundraiser with us here and create your own personal fundraising page!
- Choose a specific date or time when your event(s) will take place. Choose a time that will be convenient for most people.
- Make a list of people you want to ask to participate or support you and your campaign.
- Plan your routes of communication for your list of prospective supporters. Will you reach out on social media, through direct messaging, email or phone calls? Which best suits the people you have included on your list?
Tips and Toolbox
Here are some extra tips when planning for success with a DIY campaign:
- Tell your personal story when asking for support. Why do you support the PKD Foundation of Canada, and why should they?
- Set a fundraising goal for your DIY fundraiser and set it high!
- Check to see if your employer offers donation matching programs. Many companies love to see their employees get involved in the community!
- If you are looking for ideas, visual assets, examples of social media captions, or emails to enhance your DIY fundraiser, visit our DIY toolkit here!
DIY Impact
The contribution from your DIY fundraiser, no matter the size, will make a difference in the lives of people across Canada with polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Take part in a DIY fundraiser today, to support vital PKD research, education and awareness.
If you have any questions about how to have a successful fundraiser, feel free to reach out to us! We are here to help you every step of the way!