One-time Donation
Your donation to the PKD Foundation of Canada helps raise vital funds for polycystic kidney disease (PKD) research, education, and patient resources. The PKD Foundation of Canada is the only national charity dedicated to fighting PKD through research, advocacy, education, and support, in order to discover vital treatments and a cure for PKD, and improve the lives of all it affects.
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Monthly Giving
Amplify your impact by becoming a monthly donor! Your support will go further in the fight to #endPKD!
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Dedicate Your Donation
Dedicate your gift in honour or in memory of someone special. Whether you're marking a milestone occasion, or remembering a someone special, you can help a loved one's legacy live on. You can request that a card be sent to share your contribution with the person you wish to honour, or have it sent to a family member of someone you're remembering.
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Donate a Car
You can turn your vehicle donation into generous dollars to support PKD Foundation of Canada! Working on our behalf, Donate a Car Canada will accept your vehicle for donation - running, or not! Old or new! There is no cost to you, and the process is incredibly easy!
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Legacy Giving
Legacy gifts to the PKD Foundation of Canada are a way to express your hope to improve the lives of all affected by polycystic kidney disease. The PKD Foundation of Canada is the only national charity dedicated to fighting PKD.
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Major Gifts & Endowments
Generous gifts of $10,000 or more, endowment funds, and charitable annuities will have a significant impact in the fight to #endPKD and impact the lives of millions of people diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease worldwide.
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Corporate Partnerships
Corporate giving is an excellent way to make a lasting impact on the lives of thousands of Canadians living with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and their loved ones. You can be at the forefront in the fight to #endPKD by contributing to programs of critical PKD research, advocacy and education.
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Donate to a Fundraiser or Event
Create your own successful fundraiser for the PKD Foundation of Canada! We encourage supporters to put a personized spin on fundraising, to support programs of critical polycystic kidney disease research, education and advocacy.
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International Donors
The PKD Foundation of Canada appreciates the kind and generous support of international donors and will continue to collaborate with those living outside Canadian borders. Together, we will #ENDPKD!
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Legacy of Care Tuition Program
The In Memory Wall is an online tribute that supports the Legacy of Care Tuition Program, which provides grants to Canadian medical students studying nephrology.
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