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Future Giving

Planned Giving

Leaving a gift to the PKD Foundation of Canada

If you have a vision that one day humanity will not be suffering from polycystic kidney disease (PKD) at all, then we are on the same page. We also have a plan and a strong base of like-minded people in order to make that vision come true.

You are probably aware that the PKD Foundation of Canada is the only organization that leads the national fight against PKD through research programs, education, awareness and support to help discover vital treatments for PKD and improve the lives of all those it affects. 

Since its creation in 1993, the PKD Foundation of Canada has raised more than $1 million towards research, support and help for families living with polycystic kidney disease (PKD). From the first research grant awarded in 1999, the PKD Foundation of Canada has set up chapters and support groups across the country, built an expansive and passionate volunteer network, and connected with PKD groups around the world to support our most notable fundraising event – the Walk to END PKD.

Important information for leaving a charitable gift

Our legal name: PKD Foundation of Canada

Our charitable number: BN852683853RR0001

If you have already written a Will, you can just include the PKD Foundation of Canada in that document without rewriting it. This additional clause to a Will is called a codicil and will be used for amendments. Here are some wording examples of codicil language that you could use. Also, we strongly recommend that you have a consultation with your legal adviser or estate planner when you have decided to make a bequest.

Residual Gift: “I give to the PKD Foundation of Canada one hundred per cent (100%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate for its general purposes.”

Percentage of Estate Gift: “I give to the PKD Foundation of Canada ____ per cent of the value of my estate to be used for its general purposes.”

Fixed Amount Gift: “I give to the PKD Foundation of Canada the sum of $______ to be used for its general purposes.”

Contact Us

A decision to make a planned gift is particularly personal. Please discuss this matter with your legal advisers, estate planners and importantly with your family/ other beneficiaries.

If you are thinking about making a gift to the PKD Foundation of Canada, we would be delighted to discuss this with you. We are ready to answer questions that you have and will assist you with any concerns you might have regarding this planned gift in your Will. 

Our Executive Director, Jeff Robertson will be happy to take your call at 1-877-410-1471 or please send email to jrobertson[at]endpkd.ca. Of course, there is no obligation and all information entrusted to us will be under strict confidentiality.  

Legacy Gift

Your legacy gift will enable the PKD Foundation of Canada to create a powerful philanthropic legacy by making a direct impact on the advancement of critical Canadian research. If you have not had the ability to make a major gift during your lifetime, legacy giving can be meaningful source of funding from you.

A legacy gift is a gift by Will with lasting meaning and is the simplest way to create a legacy of everlasting hope. It is a future gift that will not cost anything during your lifetime, with no extra out-of-pocket costs and your income will not decrease. 

Most people provide legacy gifts through Wills and Trusts. Pooled income funds and annuities may be used as well. You can also leave a legacy gift by listing the PKD Foundation of Canada as the beneficiary of a bank or pension account.

Legacy giving is a new way to express your hope to improve the lives of all affected by PKD, it offers means for you and members of your community to respond to your commitment to end PKD.

If you or anyone you know has been impacted by PKD, we encourage you to take this step to effectively fight back and help improve the lives of those living with polycystic kidney disease.   

Wills and Bequests

Make a future gift of lasting support by remembering the PKD Foundation of Canada (PKDFOC) in your Will. A Bequest in your Will may be the biggest gift of your life, and has the power to change the lives of all affected by PKD for better. Help even more PKD patients look forward to a future of full recovery.

This gift will not cost you anything during your lifetime, with no extra out-of-pocket costs and your income will not decrease. One of the benefits of making a Bequest is that your estate obtains a charitable tax receipt for the full amount received. Also, if stocks or real estate you left have appreciated in value, your gift may be exempt from capital gains.    

Ways you can leave a Bequest in your Will:

  • Leave a Specific Bequest with dollar amount, a percentage of your estate or property such as real estate, securities, or other items;
  • Leave a Residual Bequest, which will allow the PKD Foundation of Canada to receive all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate once other bequests are met. The percentage of your estate will keep your gift in line with value changes;
  • Leave a Contingent Bequest that will allow the PKD Foundation of Canada to receive all or a part of your estate after your other beneficiaries have passed on;
  • Leave a Trust Remainder Bequest, here the PKD Foundation of Canada would receive all or part of the income from a trust established in your Will upon the death of named beneficiaries;
  • Leave a Restricted Bequest where funds are restricted to the use designated/identified.