Mental Health Blog
January 19, 2023

Become a Transplant Ambassador Today! | PKD Mind Matters

We are still buzzing about our new formal partnership with our friends at Transplant Ambassador Program (TAP)!

TAP provides programming for kidney patients and living donors, to get together to discuss the barriers to kidney transplantation and what could be done to overcome them. Transplant Ambassadors are kidney transplant recipients or living kidney donors who welcome the opportunity to share their personal experiences with you, and help guide you through your kidney journey.

Not only are we pleased to offer TAP programs to PKD patients Canada-wide, but we are now looking for PKD patients to become Transplant Ambassadors!

Becoming a Transplant Ambassador

We are looking for highly motivated individuals who are interested in a mentorship position as a TAP volunteer.

  • TAP Ambassadors are registered volunteers at renal hospitals and complete vulnerable sector police checks.
  • Transplant Ambassadors receive ongoing training related to privacy, confidentiality, and program improvement.
  • Transplant Ambassadors are integrated and visible in the kidney clinics across Ontario to give hope to patients and normalize the idea of transplant.
  • Transplant Ambassadors are available to provide support in clinic and through Zoom, phone, or email.
  • TAP strives to build ongoing relationships with patients and donors and to connect them with Ambassadors of similar backgrounds or experiences.
  • Transplant Ambassadors are real people, not stories, to whom patients and potential kidney donors can reach out directly.

If you are interested in becoming a Transplant Ambassador, please send us an email! If you'd like to know more about the program, watch our most recent webinar on "Getting to Know the Transplant Ambassador Program!"

Learn more about TAP!