December 2016 PKD e-News
Welcome to the new PKD Foundation of Canada
Just in time for the New Year, the PKDFOC is stepping into a new "look", that represents all the growth we've seen over the years, as well as the progress that we will continue to make in the years to come. Our mission remains the same and our makeover is meant to engage current and future supporters of the PKD Foundation of Canada, through online and in-person communication. Want to know more? Check out our latest blog post, and visit our website to get acquainted with the new PKD Foundation of Canada!
Catch up on PKD webinars from 2016
If you missed any of this year's Webinar Wednesday sessions, hosted by the PKD Foundation (USA), be sure to check them out on their website for topics like total kidney volume (TKV), genetics of PKD, potential therapies and more.
Holiday party eating tips from Davita
The holidays are in full swing! For most, this time of year is about generosity, spending time with family and loved ones, celebrating life and for all that we are thankful for. Much of that celebration takes place at holiday parties. Whether it is a work party or a party with family and friends, there is likely to be food. Plenty of holiday cheer means looking forward to special treats. There are many appetizers and other tempting goodies. This can be stressful for those who are trying to follow a kidney-friendly diet.
Read the full blog post for insightful tips on how to stay healthy this holiday season.
There's still time to support the PKD Foundation of Canada in 2016
With 2016 drawing to a close, we hope you will consider making your year-end holiday gift to advance Canadian research, advocacy and support for more PKD patients and their loved ones.
By supporting the PKD Foundation of Canada, you are joining in the national fight to raise critical awareness of PKD and helping patients to no longer suffer the full effects of this disease.
With our collective efforts, we will keep moving closer to discovering new lifesaving treatments for ADPKD and ARPKD.
Be counted among our 2016 holiday donors and help us to better serve the needs of those in the PKD community.
From all of us at the PKD Foundation of Canada, we wish you and your loved ones a healthy holiday season and a very Happy New Year!
New blog post: PKD Will Not Beat Me - "The Gift of Giving"
Giving comes in all forms. This holiday season, I can't help but reflect on how much my parents always gave to make Christmas so special. My parents went all out with decorating, presents and making sure it was a magical and memorable day. The best gift they ever gave me, though, and still do to this day, is love.
Sometimes we receive gifts or give ones that can't be wrapped, but their impact is immense and forever lasting, like my kidney transplant. I've never seen the kidney that my donor Sally gave me, but I feel and see its influence every single day.
PKD Will Not Beat Me is an inspirational place for those seeking a positive environment to meet others with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) - to share stories, to ask questions and to make life-long friendships, encouraging each other to live positively along the way! PKD Will Not Beat Me is written by PKD patient and transplant recipient Valen Keefer.
The PKDFOC Walk for PKD raises over $1M
Since 2007, the PKD Foundation of Canada has raised over $1M for critical PKD research, education, advocacy and awareness through our Walk for PKD campaign! Truly an amazing feat for our grassroots organization.
This past fall alone, 950 pairs of shoes walked to end PKD, 6.3 million steps were taken to end PKD, and $168,000 was raised to end PKD!
The money you raised this season will give hope to millions of people affected by this life-threatening genetic disease. With money raised from past Walk for PKD events, we have been able to dramatically increase critical research here in Canada; bringing us closer than ever to discovering a treatment for PKD. Without your support, this would not have been possible.
We wish to give a huge thanks to all of our dedicated Walk and Chapter Coordinators, key volunteers, our most generous corporate and in-kind sponsors, as well as each and every participant and donor who helped to make these events truly unforgettable.
You can check out pictures from the Walk for PKD events on our Facebook page.
We look forward to seeing you all again next year, as we keep walking towards the ultimate finish line - a cure for PKD!
National Post and the PKDFOC partner for PKD awareness
Earlier this month, we kicked off our four-part PKD series with the National Post. The first article featured one of our youngest PKD heroes, Harrison Osborne. You may remember him from our recent Hurricane Harrison video! Harrison is truly an inspiration to us all. You can read his National Post article here.
The second installment featured our very own Hamilton Chapter Coordinator, Joy Pekar and her entire family. Arie, Joy's husband, and his mother have had very different journeys with this disease. Read more abut how PKD has impacted their lives and how they support each other to stay positive during challenging times here.
Keep an eye out on and our Facebook & Twitter pages for the remaining two installments, which will be coming out in January 2017!
Working for a cure,
Your Friends at the PKD Foundation of Canada
While we recognize everyone is feeling the effects of the challenging economy, the PKD Foundation of Canada still needs your support! Every gift - no matter the size - can make a difference in the fight against PKD. Please consider making a donation today.