February 23, 2022
February 2022 PKD e-News

Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's February e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.
To view the e-News in French click here!

When: Friday, March 4th at 11:30 am (PST)
Why consider peritoneal dialysis? What is it? What can I expect? What support is available? Registered Nurses who specialize in the area of peritoneal dialysis will lead the presentation. Also speaking will be a patient(s) who has lived experience with peritoneal dialysis. Be sure to pre-register here!

"Can weight loss play a part in slowing autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease progression? The University of Colorado, Denver recently released findings from a research study focused on weight loss and cystic disease progression in ADPKD. Funded in part by a 2020 PKDF Investigator Grant to Kristen Nowak, Ph.D., this ADPKD weight loss study had interesting results."
Check out the full PKDF blog here!

Check out BC Renal's recording of Tamara Graham's "Mindful Movement & Kidney Disease" presentation here! She's included many ideas for people of all ages and abilities. Tamara is a certified yoga, dance & fitness instructor!

Kidney Month is recognized in March across Canada and the United States. We spend this time raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys to our overall health, and to reduce the frequency and impact kidney disease and its associated health problems have on an international level.
Join us for 31 Days of PKD Challenges! In honor of March’s National Kidney Month, we will once again be taking on daily challenges to raise awareness of polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Leading up to March 1st, stay tuned for information on how you can participate in the 31 Days of PKD Challenges!
Join us for 31 Days of PKD Challenges! In honor of March’s National Kidney Month, we will once again be taking on daily challenges to raise awareness of polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Leading up to March 1st, stay tuned for information on how you can participate in the 31 Days of PKD Challenges!

WKD's 2022 campaign, “Kidney Health for All" calls on all of us to work to bridge the knowledge gaps to better kidney care. It will focus on efforts to increase education and awareness about kidney health and on reducing the stubbornly high CKD knowledge gap at all levels of kidney care.
To learn more about World Kidney Day and how you can get involved, click here!
To learn more about World Kidney Day and how you can get involved, click here!

ATTN: Saskatoon and Toronto Chapter members!
The past couple years have been a whirlwind, and we miss seeing you a chapter meetings! We'd like to use this time to introduce new faces and catch up with seasoned members. Your Chapter Coordinator will be accompanied by PKDFOC Executive Director, Jeff Robertson. We would love to see you there!
Saskatoon Chapter

Please take our short survey below to provide us with your preferences regarding future educational webinars! If you are living with PKD or are a family member, caregiver or friend of someone living with PKD, then this survey is for you!
Start Survey

Do you have an old car taking up space on your property? Working on our behalf, Donate-a-Car Canada will accept your vehicle for donation -- running, or not! Old or new!
Donate-a-Car Canada will facilitate all aspects of your car donation from the pick up to the final sale, ensuring that your vehicle will be sold for the highest sale outcome possible. They will then forward the net proceeds on to us here at PKD Foundation of Canada and we will send you a tax receipt!
Visit endpkd.ca/donate_a_car to find out more about our partnership with Donate-A-Car!
Donate-a-Car Canada will facilitate all aspects of your car donation from the pick up to the final sale, ensuring that your vehicle will be sold for the highest sale outcome possible. They will then forward the net proceeds on to us here at PKD Foundation of Canada and we will send you a tax receipt!
Visit endpkd.ca/donate_a_car to find out more about our partnership with Donate-A-Car!

The PKD Foundation of Canada chapters and the volunteers who lead them are the backbone of the polycystic kidney disease (PKD) community, driving vital programs around the world. They are made up of groups of volunteers – PKD patients, family members and friends just like you!
We are looking for volunteers for 2022! If you are interested, please email us at [email protected].

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the world’s most common, life-threatening genetic diseases. Your stories can help people paint a more powerful picture of PKD and the lives it affects.
Help give a voice to a widely unknown disease by sharing your story here.
You can read some of our Voices of PKD here!
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