January 2023 issue | PKD e-News
Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's December e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.
To view the e-News in French click here!
We hope you can join us on Wednesday February 15th at 7pm EST for our webinar, “Medical Cannabis in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease!” We will be hearing from Dr. Micheli Bevilacqua, a nephrologist, Dr. Dan Martinusen and Dr. Claudia Ho, pharmacists, and Paul Watson, a PKD patient. To learn more and to register, click here!
Join us on Wednesday March 1st at 7:00 pm EST, for an overview of polycystic kidney disease, the pathway to transplant and how the PKD Foundation of Canada can support you. This session will be co-presented by the Centre for Living Organ Donation and the PKD Foundation of Canada, and provide you with an in-depth look at the journey with polycystic kidney disease from a transplant recipient perspective, Jan Robertson, a nephrologist who specializes in PKD, Dr. Moumita Barua and the Executive Director of the PKD Foundation of Canada, Jeff Robertson.
Register Today!
Having Your Donor Find YOU! is a comprehensive video series with graphics that educates patients about transplant and gives them the tools to mount a successful living donor campaign.
To learn how to build your personal campaign, visit endpkd.ca/findyourlivingdonor!
We're still buzzing about our partnership with our friends at Transplant Ambassador Program! Not only are we pleased to offer TAP programs to PKD patients Canada-wide, but we are now looking for PKD patients to become Transplant Ambassadors! To learn more, visit endpkd.ca/tapambassadors.
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us!
Legacy giving is a way to express your hope to improve the lives of all affected by PKD. It offers means for you and members of your community to respond to your commitment to end PKD. To learn more about leaving a legacy through wills and bequests, gift of securities, gift of life insurance, or gift of property, trusts and annuities, visit endpkd.ca/legacy_giving.
"We all share a very special bond as PKD patients and transplant recipients. We immediately become friends whenever our paths cross, whether online or in-person. I have seen so many miracles over the last 25 years. Each one makes me smile and helps heal my heart."
Read Jan's story and and share your own at endpkd.ca/voices_of_pkd!
Read more, here!
Read the full story, here!