July 26, 2021
July 2021 PKD e-News
Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's July e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.
Part 3 of the Educational Series hosted by Dr. York Pei is now available online here. Topics of discussion include recent preclinical studies of novel dietary intervention in slowing experimental PKD progression, elements of a healthy diet and potential utility of intermittent fasting or time-restricted feeding for clinical treatment of ADPKD.
In partnership with BC Renal, we've provided you with three new educational resources to help you on your PKD journey. Check them out below! If you have any questions or concerns regarding these readings, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Pain and Polycystic Kidney Disease | Screening and Testing for ADPKD | Pregnancy and Family Planning with ADPKD
The 2021 Walk to END PKD registration is NOW OPEN! Like last year, we have made the decision to keep our signature fundraising event a virtual fundraising celebration - taking place on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th.
Join us, as we take the path less traveled and continue to move forward in the fight to end PKD! #ACureIsOurFinishLine! To learn more and register today visit endpkd.ca/walk!
We crushed our $40K goal and have raised over $52,000 for the 2021 #BiketotheMoon campaign! THANK YOU to everyone who participated and donated throughout the campaign. Every dollar raised will go towards critical PKD research and education. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Do you have an old car taking up space on your property? Visit endpkd.ca/donate_a_car to find out more about our partnership with Donate-A-Car!
“I want to see my girls grow up, I have a lot of life left to live. With COVID-19 being so present in the last year and a half, my health is at the forefront even more.” Read about Kelly Konieczny's PKD journey and her search for a donor during a pandemic, here.
“My experience with PKD began when my mother, who for 2 years, went undiagnosed and walked with a cane due to her failing kidneys taking calcium from her bones." To read Lisa’s full story and to share your own PKD story, visit endpkd.ca/voices_of_pkd
The latest Living Transplant episode, "Pain Management and Transplant," features Dr. Hance Clarke, Director of Pain Services and Medical Director of the Pain Research Unit at Toronto General Hospital. Dr. Clarke walks our hosts through his journey to pain medicine, the difference between acute pain services and transitional pain services, and the interaction between CBD, THC, and anti-rejection medications. For more information visit UHN's Living Transplant Podcast.
Working for a cure,
The 2021 Walk to END PKD registration is NOW OPEN! Like last year, we have made the decision to keep our signature fundraising event a virtual fundraising celebration - taking place on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th.
Join us, as we take the path less traveled and continue to move forward in the fight to end PKD! #ACureIsOurFinishLine! To learn more and register today visit endpkd.ca/walk!
We crushed our $40K goal and have raised over $52,000 for the 2021 #BiketotheMoon campaign! THANK YOU to everyone who participated and donated throughout the campaign. Every dollar raised will go towards critical PKD research and education. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Do you have an old car taking up space on your property? Visit endpkd.ca/donate_a_car to find out more about our partnership with Donate-A-Car!
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the world’s most common, life-threatening genetic diseases. Your stories can help people paint a more powerful picture of PKD and the lives it affects.
Help give a voice to a widely unknown disease by sharing your story here.
You can read some of our Voices of PKD here!
Help give a voice to a widely unknown disease by sharing your story here.
You can read some of our Voices of PKD here!
“I want to see my girls grow up, I have a lot of life left to live. With COVID-19 being so present in the last year and a half, my health is at the forefront even more.” Read about Kelly Konieczny's PKD journey and her search for a donor during a pandemic, here.
“My experience with PKD began when my mother, who for 2 years, went undiagnosed and walked with a cane due to her failing kidneys taking calcium from her bones." To read Lisa’s full story and to share your own PKD story, visit endpkd.ca/voices_of_pkd
The latest Living Transplant episode, "Pain Management and Transplant," features Dr. Hance Clarke, Director of Pain Services and Medical Director of the Pain Research Unit at Toronto General Hospital. Dr. Clarke walks our hosts through his journey to pain medicine, the difference between acute pain services and transitional pain services, and the interaction between CBD, THC, and anti-rejection medications. For more information visit UHN's Living Transplant Podcast.
Working for a cure,
Your Friends at the PKD Foundation of Canada
Every gift - no matter the size - can make a difference in the fight against PKD. Please consider making a donation today.
Every gift - no matter the size - can make a difference in the fight against PKD. Please consider making a donation today.
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