Mario Laureti, Gatineau QC | Voices of PKD
Even though I dislike writing, I would like to share these results to give hope to other people with polycystic kidney disease (PKD). About 15 years ago, I had a scan because of acute appendicitis. The scan also revealed many polyps and cysts.
I started having a yearly abdominal ultrasound to monitor the steady growth of the condition. While waiting for my 2018 ultrasound, I read this article about ‘Fasting and PKD,’ on Medium from Dr. Jason Fung. This section really got my attention:
“In mice, they use severe caloric restriction reducing intake by 30–50%. Sure enough, the kidney cyst growth was inhibited. While the applicability to humans is unknown and precise molecular mechanisms are unknown, it nevertheless suggests a tantalizing therapeutic strategy for PCKD, but also more broadly to all disease of excessive growth (cancer). Why not simply fast, signaling to the nutrient sensors that no food is available? This will then signal the body to slow down unneeded growth (cyst cells and cancer cells). This treatment is free and available to everybody.”
I started intermittent fasting a few months before reading this article to optimize my energy, but with this new information I was convinced to continue. I consider these amazing results:
Ultrasound from 2018:
7 polyps on gall bladder with the biggest one at 6.9 x 4.6 mm.
Liver with a 15 x 12 mm cyst.
Kidney: Multiple cysts sized from 23 to 34 mm.
Ultrasound from 2020:
3 polyps on gall bladder of 3 to 4 mm.
Liver with an 11 x 10 mm cyst.
Kidney: Multiple cysts sized from 14 to 33 mm.
This looks very promising but without knowing the error margin of the ultrasound equipment, the only thing we can conclude for sure is the stability of the condition.
I also made a number of lifestyle changes over this time period. I have a maintained a good 7–8 hour per night sleep schedule. I regularly expose my body to various stresses like extreme temperatures, weight lifting, and cardio exercises. Most of the time I am on a low-carb diet and low oxalate diet (for example, I avoid kale, almonds, peanuts, etc.). I do 16 to 20-hour intermittent fasting by skipping breakfast, but sporadically have breakfast to avoid body adaptation. I also have a 24-hour fast once a week.
In addition, I stretch and meditate regularly and I no longer have self-doubt that could negatively affect the body. I quickly resolve any issues that could be bothering me mentally.
From the age of 50-51, I had more energy than I did when I was a teenager, but after giving my 300% at work during the pandemic – I took unpaid time off to recharge and fully regain the energy I had 2 years ago.
My next doctor's appointment is on May 24th. I will have my blood panel reviewed and another ultrasound scheduled. Updates to come!