April 2022 PKD E-News
Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's April e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.
To view the e-News in French click here!
If PKD is caused by a genetic mutation, and family members have the same mutation, why are some family members more severely affected than others? On Thursday April 28th, Dr. Lanktree will delve into what we can learn about autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) by examining affected families.
"The aim of this scoping review was to systematically describe how mental health care is provided to adults treated with dialysis in Canada."
Read the full review by the Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and disease here!
France Gelinas, NDP Health Critic, is putting forward new legislation that would make Ontario an ‘opt-out’ province when it comes to organ donation.
BeADonor Month is about raising awareness of organ donation and encouraging all eligible Canadians to register to become organ donors. To learn more about how you can get involved, visit beadonor.ca!
The NOTDAW campaign acknowledges the thousands of patients in Canada who are in need of a transplant, and those who have died waiting. Canadians are reminded to register their intent to donate and to discuss their wishes with family and friends.
Visit organtissuedonation.ca to find out how to become an organ donor in your province.
Many southern Ontario patients benefit from world-renowned PKD specialist, Dr. York Pei’s hereditary kidney disease clinic, which is based out of Toronto General Hospital. Read more here!
"Kristen Walsh grew up knowing that her mom had polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and knew that it would likely lead to eventual dialysis and transplantation. As she grew older and came to understand the disease better, Kristen’s concern for her mother’s health grew to include a concern for her own." Read the full Maclean's article here.
"After months of testing, all we found was my illness. There was nothing to do except rest while waiting for a transplant."
Donate-a-Car Canada will facilitate all aspects of your car donation from the pick up to the final sale, ensuring that your vehicle will be sold for the highest sale outcome possible. They will then forward the net proceeds on to us here at PKD Foundation of Canada and we will send you a tax receipt!
Visit endpkd.ca/donate_a_car to find out more about our partnership with Donate-A-Car!
The PKD Foundation of Canada chapters and the volunteers who lead them are the backbone of the polycystic kidney disease (PKD) community, driving vital programs around the world. They are made up of groups of volunteers – PKD patients, family members and friends just like you!
We are looking for volunteers for 2022! If you are interested, please email us at [email protected].
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the world’s most common, life-threatening genetic diseases. Your stories can help people paint a more powerful picture of PKD and the lives it affects.
Help give a voice to a widely unknown disease by sharing your story here.
You can read some of our Voices of PKD here!