September 2019 PKD e-News
September 2019
Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's September e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.
Register Today for the Upcoming Saskatoon PKD Patient Forum
When: Wednesday, October 23 2019 at 6:00PM - 8:30PM
Where: Dr. Freda Ahenakew Branch Library
Guest Speakers: Dr. Elene van der Merwe + Jeff Robertson
Join us for the upcoming FREE PKD Patient Forum in Saskatoon, SK!
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the most common life-threatening, genetic diseases affecting Canadians and can result in the growth of cysts that enlarge the affected kidneys, destroying its ability to function.
Patients and their loved ones are invited to join this forum to:
- Learn about what a PKD diagnosis can mean for you or a loved one, as well as how PKD can be managed from Dr. Elene van der Merwe, Associate professor college medicine and clinical nephrologist, division of nephrology, University of Saskatchewan;
- Hear about what resources and support systems are available to you and your loved ones from Jeff Robertson, Executive Director, PKD Foundation of Canada;
- Have your questions answered during a Q&A period led by Dr. Elene van der Merwe and Jeff Robertson; and,
- Meet other people living with PKD in your community.
Light food and beverages will be offered.
Free admission. All are welcome!
For more information, visit the event page on our website here.
Register Today for the Upcoming Edmonton PKD Patient Forum
When: Thursday, October 24 2019 at 6:00PM - 8:30PM
Where: University of Alberta Hospital, Walter C. Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre, Classroom D:2F1:04
Guest Speakers: Dr. Steven S Caldwell + Jeff Robertson
Join us for the upcoming FREE PKD Patient Forum in Edmonton, AB!
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the most common life-threatening, genetic diseases affecting Canadians and can result in the growth of cysts that enlarge the affected kidneys, destroying its ability to function.
Patients and their loved ones are invited to join this forum to:
- Learn about what a PKD diagnosis can mean for you or a loved one, as well as how PKD can be managed from Dr. Steven S Caldwell, BSc(Hons), DipMedSci, MBChB(Hons), FRCPC, FRCP Edin, FRCP Lond, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta;
- Hear about what resources and support systems are available to you and your loved ones from Jeff Robertson, Executive Director, PKD Foundation of Canada;
- Have your questions answered during a Q&A period led by Dr. Steven S Caldwell and Jeff Robertson; and,
- Meet other people living with PKD in your community.
Light food and beverages will be offered.
Free admission. All are welcome!
For more information, visit the event page on our website here.
Register Today for the Upcoming Calgary PKD Patient Forum
When: Wednesday, November 13 2019 at 6:00PM - 8:30PM
Where: Foothills Medical Centre, Health Sciences Centre, Clara Christie Theatre
Guest Speakers: Dr. Louis Girard + Jeff Robertson
Join us for the upcoming FREE PKD Patient Forum in Edmonton, AB!
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the most common life-threatening, genetic diseases affecting Canadians and can result in the growth of cysts that enlarge the affected kidneys, destroying its ability to function.
Patients and their loved ones are invited to join this forum to:
- Learn about what a PKD diagnosis can mean for you or a loved one, as well as how PKD can be managed from Dr. Louis Girard, Nephrologist, Co-Author of the Canadian Expert Consensus and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Calgary;
- Hear about what resources and support systems are available to you and your loved ones from Jeff Robertson, Executive Director, PKD Foundation of Canada;
- Have your questions answered during a Q&A period led by Dr. Louis Girard and Jeff Robertson; and,
- Meet other people living with PKD in your community.
Light food and beverages will be offered.
Free admission. All are welcome!
For more information, visit the event page on our website here.
September 4th's PKD Awareness Day - A Great Success!
33 Mayors across Canada recognized PKD Awareness day; a new record for the PKDFOC! Additionally, 20 END PKD flags were flown at City Halls and countless monuments were lit teal as well; including the CN Tower, the Calgary Tower and Niagara Falls! To see all of our pictures from this incredible day, check out our blog here.
PKD Foundation of Canada Welcomes New Halifax Chapter!
- educational meetings
- support groups & socials
- increasing awareness of PKD
- local fundraising events
Help People SEE ADPKD: Share Your Story Today!
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the world's most common, life-threatening genetic diseases. Your stories can help people paint a more powerful picture of PKD and the lives it affects.
Help give a voice to a widely unknown disease by sharing your story here.
You can read some of our Voices of PKD here!
Support the PKD Foundation of Canada by Leaving a Future Gift
Legacy Gift
Your legacy gift will enable the PKD Foundation of Canada to create a powerful philanthropic legacy by making a direct impact on the advancement of critical Canadian research. If you have not had the ability to make a major gift during your lifetime, legacy giving can be meaningful source of funding from you.
A legacy gift is a gift by Will with lasting meaning and is the simplest way to create a legacy of everlasting hope. It is a future gift that will not cost anything during your lifetime, with no extra out-of-pocket costs and your income will not decrease.
You can learn more about planned giving by clicking here.
Wills and Bequests
Make a future gift of lasting support by remembering the PKD Foundation of Canada (PKDFOC) in your Will. A Bequest in your Will may be the biggest gift of your life, and has the power to change the lives of all affected by PKD for better. Help even more PKD patients look forward to a future of full recovery.
This gift will not cost you anything during your lifetime, with no extra out-of-pocket costs and your income will not decrease. One of the benefits of making a Bequest is that your estate obtains a charitable tax receipt for the full amount received. Also, if stocks or real estate you left have appreciated in value, your gift may be exempt from capital gains.
You can learn more about bequests by clicking here.
ReferPKD Tool Now Available Nationwide on
The PKD Foundation of Canada is proud to continue supporting uKidney's ReferPKD tool, which is now accessible nationwide on our website here.
This tool will help you connect your general practitioner to physicians or clinics with a stated interest in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Your GP can then visit and have the option to refer directly to the physician with a well-informed referral, complete with all the information needed to plan a referral and omitting what isn't required.
Please note: At this time, and only list Canadian physicians or clinics with a stated interest in ADPKD.
PKD Health Note: Plant-Based Diet and Kidney Health
Working for a cure,
Your Friends at the PKD Foundation of Canada
Every gift - no matter the size - can make a difference in the fight against PKD. Please consider making a donation today.