July 30, 2018
10 Simple Things You Can Do to Support Your Favourite Nonprofit
Without Spending a Single Dime!
Tell someone. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful forms of advertising. Tell one new person each month about your organization. (Time estimate: 5 minutes/month.)
Email signature. In your custom email signature, add a tagline noting your support of your favourite nonprofit, including a hotlink to the group’s website. Show your nonprofit pride with each email! (Time estimate: 5 minutes.)
Like, share & comment. If you spend time on Facebook or other social media, engage online. Like and comment on their posts and share those of most interest to you with others. (Time estimate: you choose.)
Forward emails. If you get your favourite group’s e-newsletter, forward the emails to a friend or two who might like to know about one of the topics in that issue. Be sure to include a personal note! (Time estimate: less than 5 minutes/month.)
Participate. Help with a community outreach booth, at a special event, or at a fundraising event. Be an organizational ambassador by embracing your group’s goals and helping to advance them. (Time estimate: 2-5 hours/year.)
Carry brochures. Leave your favourite nonprofit’s brochures at grocery stores, doctor’s offices, libraries, government buildings, etc. (Time estimate: 2 minutes/month.)
LTE. Write a letter to the editor. Tell others how you feel about your favourite nonprofit and the impact it has. Choose your own angle and write with passion. (Time estimate: 30 minutes.)
Don’t recycle. The last newsletter issue your favourite nonprofit mailed to you? Don’t recycle it when you’re done. Instead, pass it along to someone you think might want to learn more about what the group does. (Time estimate: 5 minutes.)
Bling! Does your favourite nonprofit have t-shirts? Magnets? Bumper stickers? Other bling? If so, wear it – or display it – with pride where others can see it. (Time estimate: none.)
Thank. Those working at your favourite nonprofit work hard. They spend long hours helping others for not a lot of pay. Brighten their day by sending a thank you note for their dedication and hard work. (Time estimate: 5 minutes/month.)
Reprinted with permission by Laura Huth-Rhoades, President & CEO/Chief ChangeMaker at do good Consulting. Click here to view the original post.
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