Updated Canadian Expert Consensus Published to Guide Optimal Management of ADPKD
ADPKD is the most common inherited renal disorder worldwide, impacting approximately 1 in every 500 Canadians. An estimated 45% to 70% of patients with ADPKD progress to end-stage renal disease by age 65 years.
When the guidelines were first published, Jeff Robertson, Executive Director said “This consensus is quite promising for Canadian ADPKD patients, due to the new and updated treatment options available for the first time. This document represents a significant step forward in improving patient care.”
The area of focus for the publication is to update the previously published consensus recommendations from March 2017 discussing the optimal management of adult patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). This document focuses on recent developments in genetic testing, renal imaging, assessment of risk regarding disease progression, and pharmacological treatment options for ADPKD.
“This is a very exciting and hopeful time in ADPCKD care." says Dr. Janet Roscoe, Nephrologist and Director of the Home Hemodialysis Unit at The Scarborough Hospital. "For the first time since the introduction of effective blood pressure medications we have a treatment that can add years of dialysis free life to persons affected by ADPCKD. It is essential that these clients be referred to nephrologists and clinics who are experts in treating the disease as early as possible after diagnosis in order to obtain maximum benefit.”
Click here to access the full updated Canadian expert consensus published by the Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. Those who may have questions about this consensus, or have not been seen by a nephrologist in the last two years, should speak with their primary care provider about a referral back to a nephrologist.