GivingTuesdayNow is Tuesday May 5 2020!
GivingTuesdayNow is May 5 2020!
GivingTuesday Global has decided to hold a GivingTuesday on May 5th, 2020: #GivingTuesdayNow. The goal is to do what GivingTuesday does best: rally the world to drive a massive, collective spike of generosity, citizen engagement, business and philanthropy activation, and support for communities and non-profits around the world. #GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity to serve as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.
Your support will help strengthen the mission of the PKD Foundation of Canada by advancing programs of research, education, advocacy, support and awareness.
Together we give. Together we stand. Together we thank. Together we help. Together we heal.
People can show their generosity in a variety of ways during #GivingTuesdayNow: whether it’s helping a neighbor, advocating for an issue, sharing a skill, or giving to causes, every act of generosity counts.
At a time when we are all experiencing the pandemic, generosity is what brings people of all races, faiths, and political views together across the globe. Generosity gives everyone the power to make a positive change in the lives of others and is a fundamental value anyone can act on. Generosity can help alleviate the isolation and loneliness that many of us feel during this time. Our ability to give help and hope can counter feelings of powerlessness.
How to Get Involved
- Make a donation today! Your donation, no matter the size, will make a difference in the lives of 12.5 million people worldwide living with PKD. Donate today to support vital PKD research, education, advocacy and awareness here in Canada. Click here to make your secure online donation today!
- Spread Awareness: Share posts from the PKD Foundation of Canada and tell your friends and family on social media why you choose to support PKDFOC. Don't forget to use the hashtags #EndPKD, #GivingTuesdayNow, #GivingTuesdayCA, #MardiJeDonne and #MardiJeDonneMaintenant
Even in times of economic crisis, we each have a deep reserve of generosity, which we can deploy in a myriad of ways to make a difference--your time, your kindness, your skills, your voice are all things you can give in addition to charitable donations.
Stay tuned on our social pages, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to learn more!