Happy Holidays
Season's greetings to you and yours!
With 2017 drawing to a close, we hope you will consider making your year-end holiday gift to advance Canadian research, advocacy and support for more PKD patients and their loved ones. Your financial support of the PKD Foundation of Canada helps children like Taylum and his family:
"Having a child with PKD can be a very isolating experience. Our journey into parenthood was vastly different from that of our friends, so having the PKD Foundation of Canada by our side has meant that we know for certain we are not alone.
It is inspiring and empowering to know that we aren't the only family fighting this battle, but that we are part of a united front with a shared mission to END PKD!"
- Desiree Lamoureux, Taylum's mom and PKD advocate.
From all of us at the PKD Foundation of Canada, we wish you and your loved ones a healthy holiday season and a very Happy New Year!