Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the most common life-threatening, genetic diseases affecting Canadians and can result in the growth of cysts that enlarge the affected kidneys, destroying its ability to function. Patients and their loved ones are invited to join this forum to:
• Learn about what a PKD diagnosis can mean for you or a loved one, as well as how PKD can be managed from Dr. Louis Girard, Nephrologist, Co-Author of the Canadian Expert Consensus and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Calgary;
• Hear about what resources and support systems are available to you and your loved ones from Jeff Robertson, Executive Director, PKD Foundation of Canada;
• Have your questions answered during a Q&A period led by Dr. Louis Girard and Jeff Robertson; and,
• Meet other people living with PKD in your community.
Please note that registration will begin at 6:00pm and the presentation will start at 6:30pm sharp! We hope to see you there!
Register Today!

About the Speaker: Louis Girard MD, MBT, FRCPC
Dr. Louis Girard joined the Division of Nephrology at the University of Calgary in July of 2010. He is a Nephrologist and a Clinical Professor of Medicine. Within the Division of Nephrology, Dr. Girard focuses on clinical immunology, genetics and infectious diseases in patients with kidney disease. He is the medical director of the Glomerulonephritis Clinic and Apheresis. He has developed several specialty clinics for the treatment of rare diseases, including clinics for the treatment of complement mediated disease, Tuberous Sclerosis and Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. His work in this area was recognized with the Dr. John Conly award for innovation. Recently, he became the program director of the newly created GN Fellowship program, which has its first trainee, who started training July 2022. Additionally, he is the co-chair of the Glomerulonephritis and Diabetic Kidney Disease sub-committees of the Medicine Strategic Clinical Network for Alberta Health. Dr. Girard is the co-chair of CAN-PKD. He is heavily involved in clinical trials. He has several peer-reviewed publications including a co-authored publication in the New England Journal of Medicine. Furthermore, he is a member of CAN-VASC and is a co-author on the most recent Canadian ANCA Vasculitis guidelines. Dr. Girard is also a member of the Canadian Apheresis Group as well as the Executive Planning Group. As part of his role within CAG, Dr. Girard also serves on the TMA/TTP working groups. Additionally, he is a committee member on the authorship group that wrote the Canadian consensus recommendations on ADPKD and the update to that document. Dr. Girard has a strong commitment to education and has won numerous awards for his teaching contributions at all levels of medical training.