May 17, 2023

May 2023 issue | PKD e-News

Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's May e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.

To view the e-News in French click here!


May is Hypertension Month, a common condition associated with PKD. This month, registered dietitian Emily Campbell shares strategies for managing your blood pressure with PKD. Plus be sure to check out her easy and delicious 
Mediterranean Chickpea and Couscous Lunch Bowl recipe. 

Stay tuned for upcoming Kidney Nutrition blog posts, where Emily will be answering your PKD diet questions! Feel free to  DM us with your questions!

The Centre for Living Organ Donation will be hosting an education session, 'Information for Caregivers of People on Kidney & Liver Transplant Waitlist,' on May 24th at 12:00pm EDT. To learn more and register, click here!


Bike to the Moon is an annual PKD Foundation of Canada global bikeathon. Collectively, we aim to bike the distance to the moon (384,400 km) and raise funds for critical Canadian PKD research across Canada. Whether you bike 1 km on one day or 400 km over the month of June, every dollar raised and every kilometre cycled brings us closer to the ultimate finish line: A cure for PKD. 

There's still time to register and start fundraising! Visit to learn more. For tips to keep your fundraising in motion, visit our online fundraising toolbox here!

ATTN Halifax! Get to know your Halifax Chapter at our meet and greet! Gather with fellow PKD patients and advocates to hear about the Halifax Chapter's goals, share your ideas about future meeting topics, and learn about volunteer opportunities. To learn more and RSVP, visit!

Sandy is a seasoned fundraising professional with over 10 years of experience in the non-profit sector. With a degree in psychology and a certificate in volunteer management, Sandy brings a unique perspective to the field of fundraising. Her dedication to the non-profit sector extends beyond her professional work. She is an active volunteer and has served on the boards of several organizations.

Sandy is grateful to be able to contribute to the positive impact that the PKD Foundation of Canada is making across the country, and we look forward to strengthening our fundraising efforts on national level with Sandy at the helm!

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the world’s most common, life-threatening genetic diseases. Your stories can help people paint a more powerful picture of PKD and the lives it affects.

Help give a voice to a widely unknown disease by sharing your story here.

You can read some of our Voices of PKD here!


Patients with ADPKD can have issues in other organs beyond the kidney. Dilation of blood vessels in the brain, brain aneurysms, are more common in patients with ADPKD and can result in neurological damage. Researchers at the University of Maryland are conducting a research study to identify genetic factors associated with brain aneurysm formation in ADPKD patients.

This study is OPEN to Canadian residents. To learn more, click here!

"I believe in the power of advocacy, support and hope. My name is TJ Sullivan, and while I may not have polycystic kidney disease (PKD), the effects of this disease hits close to home, and the cause to fund research and a cure is incredibly close to my heart."

Read TJ's full story and share your own, by visiting

"A new kidney would be a life-changer for Hunter, and Daniel was a prime candidate to be a donor except for one thing — at 274 pounds, Daniel was deemed overweight. To be a donor, he had to get his weight under 200 pounds." Read the full story here!

Working for a cure, 

Your Friends at the PKD Foundation of Canada

Every gift - no matter the size - can make a difference in the fight against PKD. Please consider making a donation today.