April 20, 2020
National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week
April 19-25 2020 is National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week!
This year for NOTDAW (National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week), we are asking all Canadians to show their support for organ and tissue donation from April 19 – 25. We encourage all Canadians to register their decision to become organ and tissue donors and share their decision with their family.
There are approximately 4,400 Canadians waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant. Not everyone in need of a vital organ receives a transplant. In fact, on average, 250 Canadians die each year waiting. Public opinion data shows that 90 per cent of Canadians approve of organ and tissue donation, yet only 23 per cent say they have registered their decision to become an organ and tissue donor. With continued investment, support and collaboration across the country, a world-class organ and tissue donation and transplantation system in Canada is possible.

Spread awareness for organ and tissue donation in your community and join forces with health-care providers, government officials and Canadian Blood Services to work towards a day when no one in Canada dies while waiting for a transplant.
NOTDAW Key Messages:
- A single organ donor can save up to eight lives.
- Eye and tissue donors can improve the lives of up to 75 patients.
- You are six times more likely to need an organ transplant than to become an organ donor.
- Age doesn’t matter. Canada’s oldest organ donor was over 90 years old.
- It takes 2 minutes to register your decision to become an organ donor.
- It is crucial that you talk with your family and loved ones about your decision to become a registered organ donor.
How to Get Involved
Show your support for National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week:
• Register to become an organ donor. If you are already registered, share your decision with your family and encourage others to register as well.
• Inspire your community. Light up your homes green during NOTDAW (April 19-25).
• Encourage others to become organ and tissue donors by spreading awareness on social media using the hashtags whenever possible: #NOTDAW #OrgansTissuesForLife #CanadasLifeline
• Visit blood.ca/organs-tissues to learn more about organ and tissue donation for transplantation and research and how you can a make difference.
If you live outside of Ontario, you can learn more and register to become a donor here.
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