BC Renal, in partnership with BC’s Kidney Care Programs, invites you and your family/friends to a province-wide webinar.
Conservative Care & Chronic Kidney Disease
• What is conservative care?
• Why might I wish to consider it?
• If I choose conservative care, what can I expect?
• What should I be thinking about in advance to prepare?
• What if I change my mind?
Some people with advanced kidney disease decide not to pursue transplant or dialysis. This webinar will help you learn more about conservative care as an option. If you think it might be a good choice for you, you can discuss it with your kidney care team. This session will be presented by Dr. Gaylene Hargrove (kidney doctor) and other Kidney Care Clinic providers who work regularly with patients making treatment decisions. A patient/family perspective will also be provided.
How can I join? You can join using a computer, tablet or smartphone. If you do not have a computer or your computer does not have an internet connection, you can join by telephone.
Canada: +1 647 558 0588
Webinar ID: 844 2093 6862
Please register for this session in advance.
1. Click on this link: https://tinyurl.com/769yjkwp
2. After you register, you will receive an e mail which will tell you how to join the session.