March 24, 2020

Social Distancing: What You Need To Know

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What does Social Distancing mean?

This means making changes in your everyday routines in order to minimize close contact with others, including:

  • avoiding crowded places and non-essential gatherings 
  • avoiding common greetings, such as handshakes
  • limiting contact with people at higher risk (e.g. older adults and those in poor health)
  • keeping a distance of at least 2 arms lengths (approximately 2 metres) from others, as much as possible

Here’s how you can practice social distancing: 

  • greet with a wave instead of a handshake, a kiss or a hug
  • stay home  as much as possible, including for meals and entertainment
  • shop or take public transportation during off-peak hours
  • conduct virtual meetings 
  • host virtual playdates for your kids 
  • use technology to keep in touch with friends and family

If possible,

  • use food delivery services or online shopping
  • exercise at home or outside
  • work from home

Remember to:

  • wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching your face
  • cough or sneeze into the bend of your arm
  • avoid touching surfaces people touch often

If you’re concerned you may have COVID-19:

  • separate yourself from others as soon as you have symptoms
  • if you are outside the home when a symptom develops, go home immediately and avoid taking public transit
  • stay home and follow the advice of your Public Health Authority, who may recommend self-isolation
  • call ahead to a health care provider if you are ill and seeking medical attention

For more information: 1-833-784-4397

Download your '#IStayHomeFor' shareable page HERE.