September 16, 2019

Watch the 2019 Vancouver PKD Patient Forum Recording Today!

*Recorded June 13, 2019 at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel* 

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is one of the most common life-threatening, genetic diseases affecting Canadians and can result in the growth of cysts that enlarge the affected kidney, destroying its ability to function.

Patients and their loved ones are invited to watch this forum to learn about what a PKD diagnosis can mean for you or a loved one, as well as how PKD can be managed from Dr. Mike Bevilacqua, MD, FRCPC, MHA, CHE. Nephrologist; Fraser Health Authority, BC Renal Agency and Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Nephrology at UBC. 

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About the Speaker:

Dr. Micheli (Mike) Bevilacqua is a nephrologist with additional training in health administration and divides his time between clinical medicine and nephrology administration.  His clinical nephrology practice is based in Fraser Health Authority, British Columbia and he is involved in several administrative roles with the BC Provincial Renal Agency.  He is the chair of the Kidney Care Committee which oversees the care of over 15,000 British Columbians living with chronic kidney disease and he is also the Medical Lead for the BC Polycystic Kidney Disease Network which aims to optimize management of PKD in BC.  Dr. Bevilacqua also works with the Renal Agency on other initiatives such as improving the delivery and support of home dialysis therapies.  When not doing clinical work or at the Renal Agency, Mike is involved in research with specific interests in knowledge translation, systems improvement and evaluating care delivery and is also actively involved teaching at the medical school and residency levels at UBC.

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