Media and News

October 2016 PKD e-News

Learn Upcoming Western Canada PKD Patient Forums The PKDFOC will be hosting three FREE PKD Patient Forums in Western Canada! If you, your family or loved ones live in the Edmonton, Calgary or Vancouver area, join us and members of the local PKD community to learn more about PKD and...

June 2016 PKD e-News

SUPPORT   Register Today for the 2016 Walk for PKD! The Walk for PKD signifies a united group, moving towards treatments and a cure for polycystic kidney disease (PKD), one of the most common life-threatening genetic diseases affecting thousands in Canada.  You can make an impact on this devastating disease...

May 2016 PKD e-News

SUPPORT   Save the Date! The 2016 Walk for PKD Online Registration Opens June 8!    We are thrilled to be hosting Walk for PKD events in Guelph, Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa this year!   The Walk for PKD signifies a united group, moving towards treatments and a cure for...

April 2016 PKD e-News

LEARN Upcoming Toronto Chapter Educational Meeting:    Topic: Ethical Controversies in Organ Donation and Transplantation  Speaker: Michael Campbell, Former Senior Fellow in Organ Donation &  Transplantation Ethics, University Health Network Bioethics Program When: Sunday, May 1 2016 from 2:00pm-4:00pm Where: Beth Sholom Synagogue, 1445 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto ON. For full details, click here.

March 2016 PKD e-News

March is National Kidney Month! Today kicks off National Kidney Month in Canada and the United States! This is the perfect time to raise awareness of the importance of our kidneys to our overall health, and to reduce the frequency and impact kidney disease and its associated health problems have...

January 2016 PKD e-News

LEARN   Full Video Recording of the 2015 Canadian PKD Symposium is Available Online This past November, the PKD Foundation of Canada hosted our 2nd Canadian PKD Symposium in Toronto ON.  The event was open to the public and included participants from the PKD medical community and various renal healthcare...

December 2015 PKD e-News

Support    There’s Still Time to Make Your Year-End Gift!  With 2015 drawing to an end, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you, our donors, for helping to make this another memorable year for the PKD community.

October 2015 PKD e-News

Awareness  PKD Foundation of Canada Holds First-Ever PKD Advocacy Day at Queen’s Park As part of our ongoing advocacy activities, the PKD Foundation of Canada held their first-ever PKD Advocacy Day at Queen’s Park on Wednesday, October 7th. Our Executive Director, Jeff Robertson was joined by Board Chair, Joseph Brant...

Our Community In Photos