Media and News

World Mental Health Day 2023 | PKD Mind Matters

October 10 is World Mental Health Day. Like many chronic illnesses, PKD can affect your mental health as well as your physical health - from dealing with chronic pain, to the emotional stresses of organ failure, dialysis, and trying to find an organ donor.

The Beaton PKD Path | Voices of PKD

This year the team The Beaton PKD Path raised more than $9,500 for the Walk to END PKD held in Halifax, NS. Congratulations! Read their story here.

September 2023 issue | PKD e-News

Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's MONTH e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.

Cardiovascular Health and PKD | Kidney Nutrition

This month’s blog post, Emily Campbell registered dietitian, writes about cardiovascular health and PKD. Did you know that protecting your heart and kidneys can go hand in hand? Plus, check out this delicious trail mix recipe, that would be perfect to take to an event like the Walk to END...

PKD Awareness Day 2023

The PKD Foundation of Canada is thrilled to share this list of communities who recognized PKD Awareness Day through proclamations, flag raisings and landmark lightings in 2023. What happened in your area? 

Understanding Your Lab Tests with PKD | Kidney Nutrition

So, it is time for your annual lab test and to see your healthcare team. Does getting your labs done seem overwhelming and frustrating, trying to figure out what each value means? In this month’s blog post, Emily Campbell, registered dietitian, breaks down common labs your healthcare team may be...

August 2023 issue | PKD e-News

Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's August 2023 e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.  Pour voir l’infolettre de la Fondation canadienne de la MPR en français, cliquez ici!

Living Donation Week 2023

Living Donation Week (#LDW2023), September 11-15, hosted by UHN - Centre for Living Organ Donation, is a national awareness week featuring free virtual events and activities focused on improving access and equity in living organ donation, profiling the work of Team Transplant, and celebrating our incredible living donors and transplant...

Our Community In Photos