Media and News

Understanding Your Lab Tests with PKD | Kidney Nutrition

So, it is time for your annual lab test and to see your healthcare team. Does getting your labs done seem overwhelming and frustrating, trying to figure out what each value means? In this month’s blog post, Emily Campbell, registered dietitian, breaks down common labs your healthcare team may be...

August 2023 issue | PKD e-News

Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's August 2023 e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.  Pour voir l’infolettre de la Fondation canadienne de la MPR en français, cliquez ici!

Living Donation Week 2023

Living Donation Week (#LDW2023), September 11-15, hosted by UHN - Centre for Living Organ Donation, is a national awareness week featuring free virtual events and activities focused on improving access and equity in living organ donation, profiling the work of Team Transplant, and celebrating our incredible living donors and transplant...

Bingo at Market Brewing Company - September 2023

Bingo nights at Market Brewing Company in Newmarket, ON, will again benefit the PKD Foundation of Canada throughout the month of September! Try your luck and support the Foundation at the same time. Thursday nights, Sept. 7, 14, 21 & 28 from 7pm-9 pm!

Jennifer Morgan, Halifax NS | Voices of PKD

"Hello, everyone! I’m grateful to provide this update on my journey since I initially shared my story here in December 2021. Last May, I received a new kidney, thanks to the Live Kidney Paired Donation Program."

Understanding Liver Transplantation for PKD and PLD Patients | Webinar Video

Dr. Leslie Lilly summarizes the role of liver transplantation in the management of PKD and PLD, and also discusses the outcomes of liver transplantation in patients with these diseases. He is joined by PKD patient and two-time liver transplant recipient, Jan Robertson, who shares her journey through the transplant process....

Oxalates and PKD | Kidney Nutrition

You’ve probably heard the word “oxalates” before. But what are they and is it important with PKD? This month, Emily Campbell registered dietitian shares strategies for managing your PKD through nutrition including a deep dive into oxalates and kidney stones with PKD.

July 2023 issue | PKD e-News

Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's July 2023 e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.

Our Community In Photos