Media and News

June 2023 issue | PKD e-News

Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's June e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.

Brittany Hay and Colin Grieve | Voices of PKD

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is no stranger to Colin Grieve. Colin grew up surrounded with people battling PKD; including his father, uncle and grandmother. Colin had his battles as a child, a youth, and as an adult. He has memories of spending time in the IWK Health Centre in Halifax,...

Nutrition Management and PKD | Kidney Nutrition

The best nutrition care for those with kidney disease is one that is personalized to your health goals, nutrition status, other health conditions, and blood and urine tests. And one new area of focus for personalization is the type of kidney disease – polycystic kidney disease (PKD) or chronic kidney...

Hypertension and PKD | Kidney Nutrition

May is Hypertension Month, a common condition associated with PKD. This month, Emily Campbell registered dietitian shares strategies for managing your blood pressure with PKD. Plus be sure to check out her easy and delicious Mediterranean Chickpea and Couscous Lunch Bowl recipe.

TJ Sullivan | Voices of PKD

"I believe in the power of advocacy, support and hope. My name is TJ Sullivan, and while I may not have polycystic kidney disease (PKD), the effects of this disease hits close to home, and the cause to fund research and a cure is incredibly close to my heart. My...

April 2023 issue | PKD e-News

Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's April e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.

Fluids and PKD | Kidney Nutrition

Whether you’ve just been diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) or have been living with it for a while, you’ve probably heard you need to be drinking more fluids. This is one of the first and probably most challenging nutrition recommendations to follow with PKD. While this is good nutrition...

Join the ADPKD and Aneurysm Study at University of Maryland

ADPKD is the most common genetic form of kidney failure. Patients with ADPKD can have issues in other organs beyond the kidney. Dilation of blood vessels in the brain, brain aneurysms, are more common in patients with ADPKD and can result in neurological damage. Researchers at the University of Maryland are...

March 2023 issue | PKD e-News

Welcome to the PKD Foundation of Canada's March e-News! We have provided information important to helping you take action in your journey with PKD.

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