September 2024 Issue | PKD e-News
Walk to END PKD events, sustainable nutrition for PKD, Keith and Gillian's Voices of PKD story, and more!
Walk to END PKD events, sustainable nutrition for PKD, Keith and Gillian's Voices of PKD story, and more!
This month: Walk to END PKD, PKD Awareness Day, meal planning for PKD, resources for finding a living kidney donor, two patient stories, and more!
Welcome to the July e-News from the PKD Foundation of Canada! This month we have information on the 2024 Walk to END PKD, kidney stones, new learning events, and more!
Welcome to the June e-News from the PKD Foundation of Canada! This month we have information on choosing kidney-healthy foods when eating out, reflections on mental health and PKD, upcoming PKD events, and more!
This month we have stories about a PKD patient's plan to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, an upcoming webinar on living organ donation, the top foods to eat for PKD, and more!
In our e-News this month: information on organ donation awareness; gut health and PKD; a touching living kidney donation story; and more!
In our e-News this month: March is Kidney Health Month! Voices of PKD from Karen; Kidney Nutrition: making substitutions in recipes for PKD; upcoming PKD nutrition webinars in English and French; upcoming webinar on PKD and mental health; new resources for having conversations about PKD.
Welcome to the February e-News from the PKD Foundation of Canada! You'll find useful information to help you take steps in dealing with polycystic kidney disease.
Welcome to the January e-News from the PKD Foundation of Canada! You'll find useful information to help you take steps in dealing with polycystic kidney disease.
What's new in the PKD world? A collection of news posted in January, 2024.