Media and News

Welcome to the New PKD Foundation of Canada!

Today is an exciting day for us at the PKD Foundation of Canada. Just in time for the New Year, the PKDFOC is stepping into a new “look,” that represents all the growth we’ve seen over the years, as well as the progress that we will continue to make in...

Cheri Barton, Vankleek Hill ON | Voices of PKD

"I'm 47 years old and people are still asking me if I am pregnant. I try to take it as a compliment about how young I must look, but when people first started asking me, I would turn very red and uncomfortable. Then they would also turn red and it...

October 2016 PKD e-News

Learn Upcoming Western Canada PKD Patient Forums The PKDFOC will be hosting three FREE PKD Patient Forums in Western Canada! If you, your family or loved ones live in the Edmonton, Calgary or Vancouver area, join us and members of the local PKD community to learn more about PKD and...

PKD Awareness Day 2016

Once again, Health Canada is recognizing September 4th as National Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Awareness Day – a special day devoted to raising awareness of this life-threatening, genetic disease.

August 2016 PKD e-News

Awareness    Health Canada Recognizes September 4th as National PKD Awareness Day 

ADPKD Online Survey Invitation closes at 11:59pm on Monday August 8, 2016

Are you aged 18-60 years and have been diagnosed with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease?  If so, we really need your help.   The market research survey among people aged 18-60 years who have been diagnosed with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) will close at 11:59pm on Monday August 8,...

Online Registration for the 2016 Walk for PKD is Now Open!

Registration for the 2016 Walk for PKD is now open!     The Walk for PKD signifies a united group, moving towards treatments and a cure for polycystic kidney disease (PKD), one of the most common life-threatening genetic diseases affecting thousands in Canada.  You can make an impact on this...

Participation Request for ARPKD International Studies

Do you have a child with ARPKD?   The University of Alabama at Birmingham Hepato/Renal Fibrocystic Disease Core Centre (UAB HRFDCC) has developed a unique set of clinical, genetic and educational resources for ARPKD. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) and other hepato-renal fibrocystic diseases (HRFD) are relatively rare recessive disorders,...

Do you have a child with ARPKD?

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Hepato/Renal Fibrocystic Disease Core Centre (UAB HRFDCC) has developed a unique set of clinical, genetic and educational resources for ARPKD. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) and other hepato-renal fibrocystic diseases (HRFD) are relatively rare recessive disorders, but constitute an important set of childhood...

Our Community In Photos